
This plugin adds functions to correct the tracking and manipulate Idtrackerai projects. You can visit the project @

Correct the tracking

Select the Idtrackerai object in the project tree.


On the details section will see the options available to manipulate the tracking.

Interpolate trajectories - You can interpolate trajectories for all the objects IDs or just for a single ID. To interpolate the trajectory of a single ID you should select the Its centroid first.

Clear updates - You can interpolate trajectories of all the objects at the same time or just for a single ID. To do the interpolation just for a single ID you should select its centroid first.

Update a centroid ID - Double click over a centroid and sets the new centroid ID in the window that will popup.

Update a centroid position - Select the centroid and drag it the the new position.

Delete centroid - The button is only available when you select a centroid from a single blob that has multiple centroids associated to it.

Add centroid - Adds a new centroid to the selected blob. The function is only available if the user selects a blob’s centroid. To add a new centroid the user should first check the checkbox “Add centroid” and click in a position of the video.

Select a centroid

Click over a centroid of a blob.


Keys events

Go to the next crossing. Ctrl+M
Go to the previous crossing. Ctrl+N