
This plugin has been developed with the de Polavieja Lab at the Champalimaud Foundation and it is part of project. If you are using to track your videos or this plugin to correct trajectories, please cite:

title={ tracking all individuals in small or large collectives of unmarked animals},
author={Romero-Ferrero, Francisco and Bergomi, Mattia G and Hinz, Robert C and Heras, Francisco JH and de Polavieja, Gonzalo G},
journal={Nature methods},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group}

A plugin to correct trajectories

Under good video condtions <> typically gives very high accurate trajectories. However, due to not so good video conditions some animals might be badly identified for in some parts of the video. Also, during crossings, the interpolation algorithm might place the centroid of the animal in a place different to the center of mass of the animal.

This plugin allows to correct wrongly identified animals in the video and also to modify the position of the centroids so that they are closer to the center of mass of the corresponding animal.

In the following sections we explain how to load a tracking session into the video annotator, how to correct trajectories, and how to save the results to get new and updated trajectories files.

Load an tracking session

If you finished tracking a video using the GUI from, you can press the Validate trajectories button on the bottom right corner to open the validation GUI. The current tracking session will be automatically loaded into the video annotator. Note that depending on the length of the video and the number of animals the process of loading the data can take some time.

To load an session from scratch you have two options. Both require to open a terminal (Anaconda Powershell Prompt in Windows) and run a command inside of the virtual environment where you installed

  1. Open by running the command:

In the GUI, click the button “Open” and select the video for which you want to validate the trajectories. In the text box “Session”, add the name of the session that you want to open. Remember that if the session folder is “session_test”, the name of the tracking session will be “test”. If the name is correct the button “Validate trajectories” in the bottom right corner will activate. Click that button and the validation GUI will open.

  1. Run the video annotator (see ../_static/install_and_run/index), press the button Open and open the session folder you want to load. This will automatically read the necessary files from the session folder and create an “Idtrackerai object”.

Validate the trajectories

To visualize the trajectories and start validating them, make sure that an “Idtrackerai object” is selected (high-lighted in blue in the “Video list” panel).


In the video preview, the centroids of animals that belong to a blob classified by the algorithm as a single animal, will show a number. The centroids of animals that belong to a blob classified by the algorithm as a crossing, will show a number with the prefix ‘c-‘. The centroids of any animal for which the user modified its identity or the position of the centroid, will show a number with the prefix ‘u-‘.

Change the identity of a centroid

To change the identity of a centroid, double click on top of a centroid. A window “New identity” will pop up. You can type the new identity and press “Ok”. The identity will be propagated to the previous and next frames until the next crossing or until the animal disappears.

Move a centroid to a different position

To move a centroid to a different position, click on it, drag it and drop it wherever you want its new position to be.

Add a new centroid to a blob

To add a new centroid to an existing blob. Click on a centroid of the giving blob. In the “Details” panel on the right, check the box “Add centroid to selected blob” (or press “Ctrl+C”). Then click again on the blob. This will open a window in which you will need to introduce the identity of the centroid to be added. Enter a valid identity and press “Ok”. A new centroid will be created. If you see a gray ring in the cursor just click anywhere in the frame and it will disappear.

Delete a centroid from a blob

To delete a centroid, click on it and press the button “Delete centroid” in the “Details” panel on the right (or press “Ctrl+D”).

Only centroids of duplicated identities and centroids of blobs with multiple centroids can be deleted. To delete a centroid of a unique identity first create a new centroid for that identity.

Add a blob

Animals that where not detected following the preprocessing parameters won’t have a centroid (blob). To assign a centroid to a non-segmented animal, press anywhere in the image where there is not a centroid. In de “Details” panel on the right, check the box “Add blob” (or press “Ctrl+B”). Then double click anywhere in the frame. A window will pop-up where you can introduce the identity of the new centroid generated. Note that blob generated by the user cannot be deleted using any button. They can be cleared using the “Clear user updates” functions as described below.

Clear all user updates

If you want to recover the original identities assigned by the algorithm for a particular part of the video (both centroids and blobs), click on the button “Clear user updates for all identities” in the “Details” panel on the right. This will show a window where you can indicate the starting and ending point to define the interval where the identities will be reset.

Clear user updates for a given identity

To clear the user updates for a given identity, select a centroid of the identity X that you want to reset. Then, on the “Details” panel on the right, click the button “Clear user updates for X”. This will show a window where you can indicate the starting and ending point to define the interval where the identities will be reset.

Local interpolation

In some situations, you might want to modify the position of the centroid for a given identity for multiple frames in a row. This can be very time consuming. To facilitate the work, we implemented a “Local interpolation for X” button. This will interpolate the positions for a given identity between two user generated centroids. Note that this runs a linear interpolation, so we recommend to add user generated centroids when the animal changes direction.

To interpolate the positions for a given identity follow these steps.

  1. Modify the centroid of a given identity for a set of frames. You do not need to modify it for all the frame, just when the animals is changing direction.
  2. Make sure that the identity is unique for the interval where you want to interpolate the centroids.
  3. Click the button “Local interpolation for X”.
  4. Add the initial and ending frames of the interval where you want the interplation to run. Note that the first and last frame must include a user generated centroid (i.e. a centroid with the prefix ‘u-‘).

Global interpolation

Click the button “Global interpolation” to run the interpolation algorithm that assigns the centroids to the blobs that correspond to multiple animals. This is particularly useful when you are only modifying identities before and after crosings. The algorithm might work if you have also modified the positions the centroids in the blobs corresponding to crossings. However, we haven’t test it deeply, so we recommend to only used if you only modified identities and not centroids.

Save the results

To save the results of your validation, press the button “Save updated identities” on the “Details” pannel. This will update the “blobs_collection_no_gaps.npy” file in the preprocessing folder insider of the session folder. Also it will generate two new “trajectories_TIMESTAMP.npy” and “trajectories_wo_gaps_TIMESTAMP.npy” files in the folders “trajectories” and “trajectories_wo_gaps” respectively. Note that this proces can take a few minutes if your video is very long or it has many animals. We recommend saving the updated identities regularly.

Keys events

A part form the Shortcuts keys of the video annotator, we added two new shortcuts to automatically advance to the next and previous crossings (or frames where an animal is missing).

Go to next crossing Ctrl+S
Go to previous crossing Ctrl+A
Check/Uncheck add centroid Ctrl+C
Check/Uncheck add blob Ctrl+B
Delete centroid Ctrl+D